

Marketing 3.0: El marketing en la economía de redes (Resumen de la Conferencia de Philip Kotler)

Siempre es útil una conferencia que sirve de recordatorio para temas de negocio, aunque no aporte nada diferencial. Y si viene de un gran gurú, mejor. En este caso, Philip Kotler nos ofrece un compendio de los temas que actualmente importan en el marketing y que están de moda. Es un batiburrillo que combina todo: innovación, China, internet y redes sociales, co-creación, crowdsourcing, micro-targeting, responsabilidad corporativa, etc. Ni emplea ejemplos muy novedosos ni nos descubre algo nuevo, pero refresca las ideas. Quizás lo más útil sería echarle un vistazo a los libros que él no ha escrito pero que recomienda (ver más adelante).

Resumen de la charla

"Strategy, management and marketing are dead: you are out of work"


o The company many years ago only new of us when buying our products. Those companies of the past were good at sales. They could not care less about their clients as individuals. They treated clients as mass, hence "mass marketing".

o Today, as clients, we are aware not only of the brand but also of the company. Through Internet we are much more informed. For instance, we can check ratings of the quality and parameters of a car. As clients, we are engaged. Yesterday, it was a monologue. Today, it is a dialogue, it is interactive.

Companies now want to talk to us as individuals. They gather data through the click stream (cookies in the computer). They can inference your tastes through that click stream. This is good news because we do not have to be exposed to a cat food advertisement if we do not have a cat. They are moving to an age of precision marketing, versus mass marketing.

o I highly recommend the book "Microtrends". They have identified 113 groups of people, such as vegans, who do not eat meat. That is a whole community.

o We are being organized into tribes: if you have a specific interest you belong to that tribe. Ask yourself who are your customers and what value proposition you have to those customers.


o If we have to think about clients, we need to have our suppliers and distributors think about clients. This means we are talking about a completely engaged supply chain, that engages all stakeholders.

o In many companies we do not call people employees, but associates. They are our partners at delivering value to our clients.


o China and India, "Chindia", grow at 6-10% each year. Western economies grow at 2%. Move to China. That is why people went to California a hundred years ago. Most of us won’t do that, we want to stay in low-growth economies, our home.

o If we won’t move, how do we do it then? How do we prosper in slow growing economies. That is what I want to answer in my future book, "Growthnomics": how to grow in a low-growth economy. One of the 7 paths is innovation or buy a company that is growing in a market within a non-growing economy.


o We live in a market society, not a market economy. This is  branded world, and making a  choice is not easy.

o Even if we want to choose a media for a message… look at the media available! We have hundreds: old media and all these new media: facebook, blogs, google…

o Given the speed of change, some of you may unfortunately be decimated as a company. In the steel business, for instance. Steel has to be good, but you do not have to make good steel if it is going to go into a block of cement and becomes a baulk. Big companies let that chunk of business to smaller cheaper producers of worse steel. With that small and low profitable market share, the smaller windmills survived and eventually learnt how to create better steel, not the very best, but much better than before, capturing even a better share of the market. Many of the bigger integrated steel companies went broke.

Disruptive technology is your enemy and your friend: there are many things that are becoming obsolete: bookstores, music-stores. Lower cost alternatives and even higher quality products are substituting the old ones. And you might feel comfortable in a big hospital, but increasing diseases may be treated in small clinics. Big universities too should be on guard. Any business is subject to destruction.

o Our world is more fragile than ever: all industries will be put to the test. Do not trust the statement "I am the leader of my industry".


o My wife buys everything by mail, for instance. Some store Internet companies offer free delivery and free return, such as Zappos in shoes.

o If Internet retailing is the way we will run our lives, what will happen with retail, such as "Best Buy". It is changing into a showroom: clients go to check out the products and then buy it through the Internet for less money.

o What do long-lasting companies have in common? They have five traits:

  • Conservative financing: they did not do the big bet.
  • Sensitive to the world around you.
  • Aware of who you are.
  • Open to new ideas.
  • And finally, they value people more than assets.
  • Focus on learning organizations rather than strict efficient procedures.


o Two things you should be doing:

  • Build an early warning system. You should have a separate assignment for each person separate from what their day-to-day job is. For instance, a person should have a specific assignment on knowing a competitor. IBM knew Oracle. They also had separate persons who were expert on different technologies. There is someone in your garage that will put your business in jeopardy: be aware of it. You are the one who should change before someone changes for you.
  • Scenario planning. If you have to make a plan for next year. What is you concept for next year? No one can tell you the future, but you can plan if things get worse. A pessimistic scenario is something to take into account. What do we do if we exit the euro? Also an optimistic scenario: how do we exploit it? It helps stretch your mind.
  • The US post office is currently losing money. If it were not for your catalogues and direct mailing, the post office would have no reason to exist.


Shift some money from traditional to digital. But do it carefully. Learn what works.  For instance, set 10% of your budget to digital media. Put together some keen people who know the digital world. Let them check what works and  then expand.

o Do blended promotions: traditional and digital connected.

o Very few chief marketing officers are tracking blogs or social media. 80% of CMO are still focused on traditional media. Many do not understand the young generation.

o CMO must be more financially accountable. Can we measure ROMI – Return on Marketing Investment? In some cases, yes. For instance, direct mailing, sales force.

o In new media, it is difficult to know you "share of voice" because there are so many media. You can know the data individually: for facebook, for Twitter, for instance. If two of your competitors are investing in Twitter, should you stay out or throw the rest on twitter?

o Buy customer information from companies that inform you what kinds of habits are consumed by your target market.

Monitor the talk about you and the competitors. The worst things that can happen is either they do not talk about you or they talk negatively about you. Listen to what people say about your product that is negative: you can turn complaints around.


o Nokia has a user-group that is co-working with the engineers in the creation of new mobiles. They work free of charge. Harley Davidson is doing it too. Also Lego in Denmark is doing it.

o Crowdsourcing: getting ideas from people out there, not only fans. Doritos advert campaigns were designed by the consumers.


o Drucker said that the most important functions in business are innovation and marketing. All the rest are costs.

o Two for one, credit cards, samplings, etc. Those were old marketing innovations.

o The latest one is coupons.

o In addition to marketing innovation, Business model innovation is where money is made. Starbucks is the case: coffee shops as your third home. Also Barns and Noble bookstores, where you can hear a concert. People go to the bookshops not to buy a book, but use it as a meeting place. You can also reinvent other business, such as the furniture business (Ikea): they knew that kids hated buying furniture, so they had to make them love it so parents would enjoy the visit.


o Your company should have 6 people in a team, each of the responsible for playing a different role:

  • The activator – they activate ideas, they make other people think about new ideas.
  • The browser – he researches ideas. If the idea is still exciting they pass it on to creators.
  • The creators – Create the idea, give it form.
  • The developers – they create the physical product, they test it, they test their manufacturability.
  • The launchers – The plan the launch and execute it.

o Get R&D (research) closer to sales. Marketers are the masters of the valuable. Philips was aware of their defects in marketing. C.K. Prahalad was brought in to Philips and in exchange asked for stock at the Philips company, not money. It worked for him. He helped them build a marketing mindset in Philips. The stock shot up.


o Not only should your salesmen get notice of your new product. Also:

  • Maidens (experts) should be aware of it and they should take to talk about the product.
  • Connectors. They are not experts, but they have a huge network.


o Marketing thinking was product-centered in the 70s. In the 80s we went client-centered: we discovered it was mind and heart. We then went into brand management. We had always had brand-thinking, but we realized the brand could be the living expression of what we are. And now we are in value-marketing: are we creating new and different value from competitors?

o In marketing 3.0 we need to appeal to the mind, the heart and the spirit of the customers. The general worries of your customer include economy, ecology, etc. Are we involved in it too? 

  • A 1.0 company is a mind company: deliver satisfaction, profitability and doing something better.
  • A 2.0 company is a heart company: the product says something about your customer.
  • A 3.0 company: a sustainable company.

Companies that have fans were highly profitable, on a 9 to 1 basis from non-loved competitors. Employees also loved them more and stayed longer. Employee compensation is better too. All these companies have a culture, it is well-known and owned by all their employees. They also spent less in marketing than their competitors (because the stakeholders did the marketing). Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you centered on customer satisfaction or stakeholder satisfaction?
  • Is your executive pay-off transparent? 
  • And are your executives accessible? Top executives of these companies love their job and everyone can access to them.

o According to Michael Porter, the next step in corporate social responsibility is creating "share-value": working with your communities to create more profit and giving some of it aware. Build in your DNA that you are a caring company. Kimberland, Dupont, Walmart…

Libros recomendados

• Microtrends: The Small forces behind Tomorrow’s big changes, by Mark Penn  and E. Kinney Zalesne - http://www.amazon.com/Microtrends-Forces-Behind-Tomorrows-Changes/dp/0446580961
• The Living Company: Growth Learning and Longevity in Business – by Peter Senge and Arie P. De Geus - http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Living-Company-Learning-Longevity/dp/1857881850/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338274334&sr=8-1
• Firms of Endearment: How World-class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, by David B. Wolfe  and Jagdish N. Sheth - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Firms-Endearment-World-class-Companies-Passion/dp/0131873725/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338277838&sr=1-1

Notas Como Speaker

  • Habla lento y claro, a sabiendas de que su audiencia es internacional y nativa en inglés.
  • Su conferencia es casi una clase magistral, combinando muchos elementos de marketing y negocios.
  • Se mueve muy bien por el escenario, a pesar de tener 80 años, con un micrófono en la cabeza.
  • Entona muy bien. Es un conferenciante profesional sin lugar a dudas.
  • Excelente en forma y con excelente fondo, es difícil pedirle más a su edad.
  • Utiliza un PowerPoint quizás un poco más antiguo en formato que el resto, abusando de los "bullet points".
  • Debería sacrificar texto por imágenes. De nuevo el PowerPoint le sirve a él como apuntes para dar la clase, ya que basta con oírle para seguir perfectamente la conferencia. No necesita de ninguna presentación de apoyo.

Transparency Vow

El autor de este resumen no conoce al ponente.
Sí conoce a la empresa organizadora y a su director (HSM).

Sobre el ponente

Philip Kotler es el padre del marketing moderno y la gran autoridad del marketing. Es autor de más de 50 libros de los que ha vendido más de 5 millones de ejemplares en 60 países. Es profesor de la Kellog School of Management. Dirige el Kotler Marketing Group, dedicado a ofrecer servicios de consultoría en comercialización a marketing a grandes empresas.
Destaca su libro Marketing Management.

FECHA CONFERENCIA – 23 de mayo de 2012
RESUMEN DE – Antonio G. Sansigre
DESTINADO A – Know Square
SOBRE – Resumen-crítica de la conferencia de Philip Kotler
PONENTE – Philip Kotler, gurú del marketing
ORGANIZADOR – HSM - Expomanagement
DÓNDE – Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
ASISTENTES – 700 personas


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